Attic Whispers from The Blue Mountains
Greetings from the attic, my friends!
Due to time constraints, this newsletter will be a little shorter than usual. It will not contain all of our familiar segments but will introduce something new and exciting we are working on right now.

Enjoy A Reading Experience like no other
Very shortly, we will be launching a new exciting concept that will provide a reading experience like no other. It will introduce a novel and unique way the Jack Rogan Mysteries Series will be sold, marketed, and promoted. I will tell you more about this in newsletters to come, and would – as always – appreciate your comments and observations relating thereto. After all, you are my valued group of dedicated readers who know my work better than most, and are willing to provide genuine feedback that I greatly appreciate.
Nothing stands still, and those who do, get left behind. I have always believed that we have to embrace change because there is no progress without it. Now that the Jack Rogan Mysteries Series features a large body of work that consists of seven, and very soon eight, novels and three related novellas (a total of almost 4000 paperback pages of entertainment), a new approach was needed to give existing readers something new, and introduce new readers to the series in unique and appealing ways.
In addition, because of the size and complexity of the series and the large number of characters involved (more than 400 main characters in all so far!) a guide was needed to assist readers to keep track of the characters and position them correctly in the storylines and the action/plot generally.

Our new concept will provide a brief summary description of Main Characters for each novel together with a ‘Behind the Scenes’ segment that will tell readers what inspired the writing of the book in the first place, and how the characters and storylines were created. In addition, it will contain other interesting background material that will not only enhance the reading experience, but add to the enjoyment and understanding of the series generally.
By having this information available ‘up front,’ the reader will be able to approach each book in a unique and informed way that will create curiosity and anticipation.
Specific examples of each segment in this unique approach will be featured in newsletters to come, as we prepare the way for the launch of this innovative concept. Excited? I hope so!
You keep asking how the next book is coming along. I am pleased to tell you that excellent progress is being made despite the fact that due to Covid 19 travel restrictions and related matters, I am unable to travel to some of the key locations featured in the book to get a firsthand ‘feel’ for places etc.
Because this is another multi-layered novel with complex characters and interrelated storylines, a huge amount of additional research was required to make writing this book possible in the circumstances.
That said, the writing journey, while demanding, has been very satisfying and productive and will, hopefully, result in a book that you will enjoy.
I will tell you more about the book as we move closer to publication later this year.
In the interim, may I invite you to read my recently released novella, The Postmaster of Treblinka before you immerse yourself in the new book? As you know, the new book is a sequel to The Death Mask Murders, and The Postmaster of Treblinka has been carefully crafted to provide a helpful ‘link’ with interesting back stories that will not only pave the way for the new book, but significantly enrich your reading experience.

Those of you who haven’t already done so can download the novella by following the link below:

No newsletter would be complete without featuring a Reader of the Month.
This month I have decided to feature one of my dedicated readers who has provided a ‘video review.’ This one is from Elena Rojas.
Thank you Elena for your kind words, and going to the trouble to create and upload this video. Greatly appreciated! And that’s why you are my Reader of the Month.
Author Gabriel Farago