The Postmaster of Treblinka

“Gabriel Farago has an unparalleled talent. His thrillers link history, heart, science and unforgettable characters. If you are unfamiliar with his work this latest novella is a great place to start. You will get a true taste of his style with in a story that will warm your heart as it breaks and stay with you forever.”
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“I marvel at the author’s ability to weave such a complex tapestry of history and fiction yet present it in such a clear and comprehensible narrative for all to enjoy.”

“Gabriel is a deep thinker and meticulous researcher, who takes joy in creating a spider’s web of interrelated characters and events that span many lifetimes. Highly recommended!”

“In The Postmaster of Treblinka, Gabriel Farago has produced a rare gem in the Jack Rogan series.”

"Jack Rogan tracks a mystery from Italy to Germany and back, across decades and generations."

“This story moved me more than I can put into words.”

“Once again Gabriel Farago has lent his considerable talent as a consummate storyteller to the task of blending fact, fiction, and incredible imagination into a riveting and emotionally charged adventure.”

“This book had so many interconnected parts that all came together to make any amazing story. I absolutely loved this book and this author. When i think it can’t get any better it does.”

“I am always amazed at the amount of research, time and effort that Mr. Farago puts into his writing.”

“These books are impossible to put down and walk away from. The characters jump to life off the pages and are such a joy to experience with each new chapter. Can’t wait for the next one!”

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The Postmaster of Treblinka (A Jack Rogan Mysteries Novella)

A desperate letter. A dark family secret. A hidden past.

When a rabbi in Prague throws celebrated author and Australian journalist Jack Rogan a challenge, he is irresistibly drawn into a baffling mystery and begins to investigate.

Joining forces with Tristan, a remarkable young man with psychic powers, Rogan embarks on a journey of discovery that takes him into hidden corners of a violent past where unspeakable atrocities cost the lives of thousands.

Following hidden clues that point to a dark family secret reaching to the very top of the Catholic Church, Jack follows the trail of a lost letter dispatched from a Nazi concentration camp to tell the world what had happened.

Can Jack solve the mystery and deliver a long-lost letter before the voices crying from mass graves are silenced forever, or will humanity be deprived of a warning it cannot afford to ignore?


Arquà Petrarca, Veneto region near Padua: 

September 1923


Covered in sweat and trying in vain to go to sleep, Isabella tossed and turned restlessly in her bed. It had been an unusually hot day and the still, oppressive air hovered like a stifling blanket over the silent village. The refreshing evening breeze that usually blew in from the Adriatic to the east had failed to arrive, to cool the parched land dreaming of autumn and longing for elusive rain.

Suddenly, she heard strange music drifting across the fields from the village below. The mesmerising beat of drums and jangle of tambourines was soon joined by the seductive sound of violins and the mournful cry of a duduk, conjuring up fleeting images of distant lands and whirling dervishes honouring their god.

Isabella got out of bed and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the manicured gardens of the stately villa that had been the home of the Alberti family – prominent landed gentry of the district – for centuries. It was cooler outside, but the marble floor was still warm, making the soles of her bare feet tingle. As she looked across the fields, she could see a fire burning just outside the village and dark shapes moving to the spellbinding rhythm of the drums, sending crazy shadows dancing along the walls of the little cemetery.

The gypsies. Of course! she thought and quickly got dressed. A group of gypsies had arrived with their horse-drawn wagons the day before and set up camp just outside the village. They came every year as a welcome addition to the workforce to help with the harvest, which had been part of village life for a long time.

Unable to resist the siren call of the music, Isabella tiptoed past her father’s bedroom and then down the stairs to the silent corridor leading to the back door. There she paused, put on her shoes and opened the door. Taking a deep breath she looked around, and then quickly stepped outside.

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