Press Release ‘The Forgotten Painting’ October 2018

For immediate release: Readers’ Favorite recognizes “The Forgotten Painting” by Gabriel Farago in its annual international book award contest, currently available at The Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest featured

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Include a Charity

A mere 7.5 per cent of Australians leave a gift to charity in their wills, but a campaign to raise awareness hopes to boost bequests by 2020. “It was time

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Will Bequests to Charities

  Nearly 100 charities have teamed up this week to encourage more Australians to leave a gift to charity in their will. While 89 per cent of Australians support charities in

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Include a Charity

A mere 7.5 per cent of Australians leave a gift to charity in their wills, but a campaign to raise awareness hopes to boost bequests

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