A big THANK YOU! must go to Vincent Flannery for reviewing THE EMPRESS HOLDS THE KEY on French Radio! Here’s an extract of what he had to say about the book:


VINCENT FLANNERY:” I have just finished reading that book, and have reviewed it on my weekly programme, on french radio. It is a very good book, a true adventure story! Nicely written, no wasted space with boring endless bios to build up the characters. It involves some moral issues, but doesn’t labour them, like a lot of writers do. A mystery/thriller is just that, and not an excuse for bodice ripping, or pushing a pet subject disguised as a thriller with a token thriller content. There was only one section, which I found a slight tedious, involving a court speech: it could have been shorter. There are one or two edits needed, to tidy up some punctuation etc, but the continuity of the writing and the story is not affected. It is far better than Brown’s Da Vinci Code, which really speaking isn’t that good. Brown’s book was hyped up by a good media machine, and quite a number of people I know, were very disappointed. Having said that, the film was very good, but then, films don’t have the space for the baggage that you find on the printed pages. This book has a good ending, and I was sorry to have to stop reading, when the book finished. I read it in two sittings! My review can be heard on the link on my FB page in this sunday’s programme.”


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