Greetings from my attic in the Blue Mountains!
Covid 19 has changed our lives, and all of us had to adapt; me too. In many ways, I have been very fortunate because writing is in essence very solitary and self-contained. That said, we are presently in a strict lockdown up here in the Blue Mountains because we are part of greater Sydney which is fighting a serious Covid 19 outbreak right now. For this reason, I had to cancel all travel arrangements for the rest of the year, which means of course that unfortunately there will be no Hooked on Travel segment for the time being.
However, there’s no ill wind that doesn’t blow some good! In my case, what this means is this: because of the lockdown, I have had more time than usual to devote to planning, researching, and writing the next book.
This has resulted in many wonderful morning walks along the spectacular escarpment overlooking the Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park with its spectacular waterfalls and ancient fern gullies which surrounds my home.


Together we will follow the legendary treasure fleets retuning to Spain bringing fabulous wealth from the new world to the old.

Along the way, we will meet pirates and villains, search for shipwrecks, be thrilled by battles at sea, and encounter treachery and murder that will have you sitting at the edge of your seats, turning the pages, and hoping for more. Well, at least that’s the plan.

As you can see, this is another big, action-packed nail-biter with a big story that spans centuries and delves into a fascinating part of history I am certain you will not only find interesting, but also entertaining and exciting.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little preview of things to come, and I have managed to pique your interest. In the next newsletter I will reveal further aspects of the book as we get closer to the release date which, all going well, should once again be just in time for Christmas.
I would like to conclude with the segment I can’t do without: The Reader of The Month.

Hello Gabriel,
Well, that sure was a fabulous read. Thanks for those precious, extraordinary hours of reading pleasure. I reviewed it on Amazon, Goodreads and Bookbub. Here is a copy of my review:
Wow, what a ride! Jack Rogan, a journalist and best-selling author likes to follow through on a story. Rebecca, his PR manager, is a New Yorker trying to keep him in line with his commitments and making him dress the part. Two young women intent on finding adventure in the Outback town of Alice Springs. The Wizards of Oz have their own agenda going on. Cassandra, a seer who uses the Tarot and knows things. All these characters find their destinies entwined. This amazing story follows these characters through a maze of murder, violence, superstition and the ultimate adventure of a lifetime. The wonderful depictions of the Australian outback in all its harsh, beautiful and dangerous glory give the reader a taste of this enormous area of Australia. The inclusion of the wonders of the Aboriginal mysticism and knowledge of this land is captivating. This story has so many subplots within the overall plot that it is a smorgasbord of flavors and delight and horrors all in one book. I loved it and highly recommend it.
Thank you for this splendid review, Maree. You’ve captured the spirit of the book to perfection! And that is why you are my Reader of the Month. Congratulations!
Finally, my friends, please let me know how this brief outline of the next book resonates with you. As you know, I greatly value your opinion.

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We are all in this together, and together we will get through this!
Author Gabriel Farago

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