The Hidden Genes of Professor K is the ‘Outstanding Thriller’ of 2017

Greetings from my attic in the Blue Mountains!

My friends, I have some exciting news about The Hidden Genes of Professor K I would like to share with you. The book has just been declared a winner in the 2017 American Independent Author Network Book of the Year Awards and has been named the ‘Outstanding Thriller” of 2017, as part of an international contest.

Needless to say, none of this would have been possible without you, my readers, your encouragement, and support. Therefore, this award belongs to you, as much as it belongs to me.
The book and the award will now be shared by the Independent Author Network with its 100,000 Facebook fans, and 570,000 Twitter followers, giving the book huge exposure and publicity worldwide. Needless to say, this augurs well for the sequel … Exciting times ahead! More soon.



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